consulenza per efficienza energetica


Il nuovo PHPP 8

The new PHPP8 – now available!


Better than ever, especially for climate extremes:

The new version of the software for the planning of Passive House buildings is now available, offering many benefits over its predecessor.

PHPP 8 includes facilitated data entry and incorporates the latest results on the integration of renewables in building energy concepts.

PHPP 8 further includes findings from the Passive House Institute’s recent research on high performance buildings in various regions in the world; additional calculations combined with newly validated algorithms ensure suitability for all climates, including those with cooling and dehumidification requirements.

The new release can be purchased online through the Passive House Institute or local distributors.


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copywriter, content creator & web editor – Federico Sampaoli  consulente tecnico per l’isolamento termico dell’involucro edilizio

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